
mercoledì 17 febbraio 2010

Dietro a un miraggio c'è sempre un miraggio da considerare (this is a song, listen to it if you don't know it)

Tonight my thoughts are a bit less smoky, a bit more tidy, a bit more positive.

C'è che...

ho ripensato a quella cosa che scrivevo l'altro giorno sull'essere positivi. Someone told me some weeks ago that I shouldn't think in a negative way, that I have always to look at the good side. I thought of that, as I was really surprised that he was seeing me as negative. My rule in life in the last years has always been to enjoy what life gives me, and when I'm sad I try to see the positive side. And I smile every day, many times a day. He also told me that maybe I had to consider there was someone negative around me affecting my mood. He didn't say that clearly, but he put it in a way so that I could get it by myself.

Of course I'm smart so I thought of it. Especially to the fact that someone else had to give me advises on that.
Then today...

(to be continued)

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